👋 Hi, I’m C0D3-M4513R. My Name is roughly the same across all platorms. My Nickname mostly follows this regex: "C0D3[-_ ]*?M4513R".
I’m interested in:
- Programming
- 3D-Modelling
- Animation?
- The languages above don't include commits to any repos in organizations. (as such my java statistic is way lower, than it should be)
- Also not included are contributions to Magma (see contributer section).
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on something? Not sure. Do contact me though, if you really want to contribute to one of my projects! Help is always appreciated.
Contributer/Staff at:
- https://github.com/orgs/C0D3M4513R-Minecraft That Org just exists to organize my own repos a little more.
- https://pixelgaming.co,https://github.com/orgs/Pixel-gaming
- https://github.com/kettingpowered Ketting - a hybrid Minecraft Server combining Forge, Bukkit and Spigot
- https://magmafoundation.com (dead since 15.11.2023) Magma a hybrid Minecraft Server combining Forge, Bukkit and Spigot
- Archives at:
- https://github.com/MagmaFoundationDiscontinued (source of magma servers only)
- https://magma.c0d3m4513r.com (all releases, all software by magma)
I also have an alt on github, for things/apps that have permissions I do not understand:
📫 How to reach me:
- Send me a mail at while(dot)stuck+git(at)gmail.com
- Join my discord at https://discord.gg/mTMVv7t
Support me on Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/c0d3_m4513r.