Go implementation of the Entity/Component/System paradigm.
Think of it as a flexible, in-memory, queryable database of game actors (entities) linked with their respective gameplay aspects (components).
You're left with writing the systems, (preferably stateless) functions that query the database to fetch the state of the game they're responsible of, and update it accordingly.
TypeScript port: https://github.com/netgusto/ecs-typescript/blob/master/src/ecs.ts
go get -u github.com/bytearena/ecs
package main
import (
// The Walk component; always design components as simple containers
// without logic (except for getters/setters if useful)
type Walk struct {
Direction string
Distance float64
// The Talk component
type Talk struct {
Message string
func main() {
// Initialize the ECS manager
manager := ecs.NewManager()
// Declare the components
walk := manager.NewComponent()
talk := manager.NewComponent()
// Create 3 entities, and provide their components
// Component data may be anything (interface{})
// Use pointers if you want to be able to mutate the data
AddComponent(walk, &Walk{
Direction: "east",
Distance: 3.14,
AddComponent(talk, &Talk{
Message: "Wassup?",
AddComponent(walk, &Walk{
Direction: "north",
Distance: 12.4,
AddComponent(talk, &Talk{
Message: "Fluctuat nec mergitur.",
// Tags are masks that help identify entities that match the required components
walkers := ecs.BuildTag(walk)
talkers := ecs.BuildTag(talk)
walkertalkers := ecs.BuildTag(walkers, talkers)
// Process the walkers
fmt.Println("\n# All the walkers walk :")
for _, result := range manager.Query(walkers) {
walkAspect := result.Components[walk].(*Walk)
fmt.Println("I'm walking ", walkAspect.Distance, "km towards", walkAspect.Direction)
// Process the talkers
fmt.Println("\n# All the talkers talk (and be mutated) :")
for _, result := range manager.Query(talkers) {
talkAspect := result.Components[talk].(*Talk)
fmt.Println(talkAspect.Message, "Just sayin'.")
// Here we mutate the component for this entity
talkAspect.Message = "So I was like 'For real?' and he was like '" + talkAspect.Message + "'"
// Process the talkers/walkers
fmt.Println("\n# All the talkers & walkers do their thing :")
for _, result := range manager.Query(walkertalkers) {
walkAspect := result.Components[walk].(*Walk)
talkAspect := result.Components[talk].(*Talk)
fmt.Println("I'm walking towards", walkAspect.Direction, ";", talkAspect.Message)
// Demonstrating views
// To increase speed for repetitive queries, you can create cached views
// for entities matching a given tag
fmt.Println("\n# Demonstrating views")
talkersView := manager.CreateView(talkers)
//Add a new entity that can talk which has not been mutated
AddComponent(talk, &Talk{
Message: "Ceci n'est pas une pipe",
fmt.Println("\n# Should print 3 messages :")
for _, result := range talkersView.Get() {
talkAspect := result.Components[talk].(*Talk)
fmt.Println(result.Entity.GetID(), "says", talkAspect.Message)
fmt.Println("\n# Talkers have been disposed; should not print any message below :")
for _, result := range talkersView.Get() {
talkAspect := result.Components[talk].(*Talk)
fmt.Println(result.Entity.GetID(), "says", talkAspect.Message)