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rate limiter library that supports in-memory and distributed eventually consistent redis stores (includes Gin middleware)


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A rate limiter for Go that uses a fixed-window approach to tracking rates. Each incoming request increments the counter of the window. If the counter exceeds the limit, the request is denied.

Counter storage: golimiter's implementation uses an in memory store (LRU with expiry and a bound upper limit of entries). It also also includes a distributed counter store using Redis. For performance reasons, this distributed store will be eventually consistent with the in memory store. The centralized store will be updated using a set-then-get approach, relying on atomic Redis operators to eliminate race conditions under high-concurrency. The central store is optional... if it's not configured, then golimiter is happy to just keep working by only using it's in memory store.


Golimiter includes Gin middleware and an example how-to service.


$ go get

You'll also want to install go-cache for counter storage.

$ go get "

Benchmarks (for the rate limiter itself)

$ ./ 
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkIncrInMemory1-8    	 1000000	      1903 ns/op
BenchmarkIncrInMemory2-8    	 1000000	      1910 ns/op
BenchmarkIncrInMemory3-8    	 1000000	      1929 ns/op
BenchmarkIncrInMemory10-8   	 1000000	      1912 ns/op
BenchmarkIncrInMemory20-8   	 1000000	      1912 ns/op
BenchmarkIncrInMemory40-8   	 1000000	      1909 ns/op
ok	12.620s

Usage (general)

package main

// Create a rate with the given limit (number of requests) for the given
// period (a time.Duration of your choice).
import (

	goCache ""

const (
	maxEntriesInMemory    = 100
	redisTestServer       = "redis://localhost:6379"
	sentinelTestServer    = "redis://localhost:26379"
	redisMasterIdentifier = "mymaster"
	sharedSecret          = "test-secret-must"
	useSentinel           = true
	defExpSeconds         = 0
	//myEnv                 = "local"
	maxConnectionsAllowed = 5
	redisOpsTimeout       = 50  // millisecods
	redisConnTimeout      = 500 // milliseconds

func main() {
	logger := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"method": "main"})

	rate := golimiter.Rate{
		Period: 1 * time.Hour,
		Limit:  1000,

	logger.Debug("setting envVar TRACE_SYNC= true will turn-on trace logging to the central store for the limiters, you must call this before creating any limiters")
	os.Setenv("TRACE_SYNC", "true")

	ctx := context.Background()

	rateStore := golimiter.New(golimiter.NewInMemoryLimiterStore(maxEntriesInMemory, golimiter.WithLimiterExpiration(rate.Period)), rate)

	c, err := rateStore.Get(ctx, "test-rate-object")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Limit: %d\nReached: %v\nRemaining: %d\nReset: %d\n", c.Limit, c.Reached, c.Remaining, c.Reset)

	// You can also use the simplified format "<limit>-<duration>-<period>"", with the given
	// periods:
	// * "S": second
	// * "M": minute
	// * "H": hour
	// You can also add an optional delay to the format "<limit>-<duration>-<period>-<delay>":
	// "1-1-S-10"  represents 1 req in 1 second with 10ms delay
	// Examples:
	// * 5 reqs in 10 seconds: "5-10-S"
	// * 10 reqs in 5 minutes: "10-5-M"
	// * 1000 reqs in 1 hour: "1000-1-H"
	// * 5 reqs in 10 seconds with 20ms delay: "5-10-S-20"

	rate, err = golimiter.NewRateFromFormatted("1000-1-H")
	if err != nil {


	// let's make a limiter that uses redis for cross process coordiation
	store := golimiter.NewInMemoryLimiterStore(maxEntriesInMemory, golimiter.WithLimiterExpiration(rate.Period))
	store.DistributedRedisCache = setupRedisCentralStore(logger)
	rateStore = golimiter.New(store, rate)
	c, err = rateStore.Get(ctx, "test-rate-object")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Limit: %d\nReached: %v\nRemaining: %d\nReset: %d\nDelay: %d\n", c.Limit, c.Reached, c.Remaining, c.Reset, c.Delay)
	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // since it's eventually consistent with redis, you need to give it a sec to sync

	rateWithDelay, err := golimiter.NewRateFromFormatted("1000-1-H-1000")
	if err != nil {

	rateStore = golimiter.New(store, rateWithDelay)
	c, err = rateStore.Get(ctx, "test-rate-object")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Limit: %d\nReached: %v\nRemaining: %d\nReset: %d\nDelay: %d\n", c.Limit, c.Reached, c.Remaining, c.Reset, c.Delay)
	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // since it's eventually consistent with redis, you need to give it a sec to sync


func setupRedisCentralStore(logger *logrus.Entry) *goCache.GenericCache {
	os.Setenv("NO_REDIS_PASSWORD", "true")
	// os.Setenv("REDIS_READ_ONLY_ADDRESS","redis://localhost:6379")
	// os.Setenv("REDIS_SENTINEL_ADDRESS", "redis://localhost:26379")
	selectDatabase := 3
	useSentinel := true
	cacheWritePool, err := goCache.InitRedisCache(useSentinel, defExpSeconds, nil, defExpSeconds, defExpSeconds, selectDatabase, logger)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Errorf("couldn't connect to redis on %s", redisTestServer)
	logger.Info("cacheWritePool initialized")
	readOnlyPool, err := goCache.InitReadOnlyRedisCache("redis://localhost:6379", "", redisOpsTimeout, redisConnTimeout, defExpSeconds, maxConnectionsAllowed, selectDatabase, logger)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Errorf("couldn't connect to redis on %s", redisTestServer)
	logger.Info("cacheReadPool initialized")
	return goCache.NewCacheWithMultiPools(cacheWritePool, readOnlyPool, goCache.L2, sharedSecret, defExpSeconds, []byte("test"), false)

See also:

Usage with Gin

package main

import (


	ginlimiter ""
	ginprometheus ""

	goCache ""


const maxConnectionsAllowed = 50 // max connections allowed to the read-only redis cluster from this service
const maxEntries = 1000          // max entries allowed in the LRU + expiry in memory store

const (
	redisTestServer       = "redis://localhost:6379"
	sentinelTestServer    = "redis://localhost:26379"
	redisMasterIdentifier = "mymaster"
	sharedSecret          = "test-secret-must"
	useSentinel           = true
	defExpSeconds         = 0
	redisOpsTimeout       = 50  // millisecods
	redisConnTimeout      = 500 // milliseconds

func main() {
	// use the JSON formatter
	// logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{})

	r := gin.Default()
	r.Use(gin.Recovery()) // add Recovery middleware
	p := ginprometheus.NewPrometheus("go_limiter_example")

	redisCache := setupRedisCentralStore()

	l, err := ginlimiter.NewLimiter(
		"GET::/helloworld",                     // define the GUID that identifies this rate limiter as GET on the route
		"10-2-M",                               // defines the rate limit based on a std format
		"ip-address",                           // a label that defines the type of rate limiter it is
		ginlimiter.DefaultKeyGetter,            // get the key for this request: IP, request USER identifier, etc
		ginlimiter.DefaultRateExceededReporter, // func that does all the required reporting when a rate is exceeded
		maxEntries,                             // max inmemory entries
		"constant",                             // this hint is sent back to the client: constant, exponential, etc
		1,                                      // primary error code
		2,                                      // error sub code
		"hello-world",                          // prometheus metric label for this route
		ginlimiter.NewDefaultMetric("limtier_example", "helloworld", "count times helloworld is rate limited"), // prometheus.ConterVec for rate limit exceeded
		ginlimiter.DefaultMetricIncrementer, // how-to increment the prometheus.CounterVec with the required labels
		golimiter.WithUnsyncCounterLimit(1), // use this option to limit how far the mem and central store can drift
		golimiter.WithUnsyncTimeLimit(5),    // use this option to update the central store at least every 10ms
	if err != nil {
		panic("failed to create limiter " + err.Error())
	l.Store.DistributedRedisCache = redisCache

	l2, err := ginlimiter.NewLimiter(
		"GET::/helloworld-delayed",             // define the GUID that identifies this rate limiter as GET on the route
		"10-2-M-1000",                          // defines the rate limit based on a std format with a delay of 1s
		"ip-address",                           // a label that defines the type of rate limiter it is
		ginlimiter.DefaultKeyGetter,            // get the key for this request: IP, request USER identifier, etc
		ginlimiter.DefaultRateExceededReporter, // func that does all the required reporting when a rate is exceeded
		maxEntries,                             // max inmemory entries
		"constant",                             // this hint is sent back to the client: constant, exponential, etc
		1,                                      // primary error code
		2,                                      // error sub code
		"hello-world",                          // prometheus metric label for this route
		ginlimiter.NewDefaultMetric("limiter_example", "helloworld_delayed", "count times helloworld is rate limited"), // prometheus.ConterVec for rate limit exceeded
		ginlimiter.DefaultMetricIncrementer) // how-to increment the prometheus.CounterVec with the required labels
	if err != nil {
		panic("failed to create limiter " + err.Error())
	l2.Store.DistributedRedisCache = redisCache

	// add the rate limiter decorator (which uses a slice of rate limiters)
	r.GET("/helloworld", ginlimiter.LimitRoute([]ginlimiter.RateLimiter{l}, func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.JSON(200, gin.H{"msg": "Hello world!\n"})

	// add the rate limiter decorator (which uses a slice of rate limiters)
	r.GET("/helloworld-delayed", ginlimiter.LimitRoute([]ginlimiter.RateLimiter{l2}, func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.JSON(200, gin.H{"msg": "Hello world!\n"})
	r.GET("nolimits", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.JSON(200, gin.H{"msg": "Hello world!\n"})

	if err := r.Run(":9090"); err != nil {

func setupRedisCentralStore() *goCache.GenericCache {
	logger := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"method": "newInMemoryLimiter"})

	logger.Debug("setting envVar TRACE_SYNC= true will turn-on trace logging to the central store for the limiters, you must call this before creating any limiters")
	os.Setenv("TRACE_SYNC", "true")

	os.Setenv("NO_REDIS_PASSWORD", "true")
	// os.Setenv("REDIS_READ_ONLY_ADDRESS","redis://localhost:6379")
	// os.Setenv("REDIS_SENTINEL_ADDRESS", "redis://localhost:26379")
	selectDatabase := 3
	useSentinel := true
	cacheWritePool, err := goCache.InitRedisCache(useSentinel, defExpSeconds, nil, defExpSeconds, defExpSeconds, selectDatabase, logger)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Errorf("couldn't connect to redis on %s", redisTestServer)
	logger.Info("cacheWritePool initialized")
	readOnlyPool, err := goCache.InitReadOnlyRedisCache(redisTestServer, "", redisOpsTimeout, redisConnTimeout, defExpSeconds, maxConnectionsAllowed, selectDatabase, logger)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Errorf("couldn't connect to redis on %s", redisTestServer)
	logger.Info("cacheReadPool initialized")
	return goCache.NewCacheWithMultiPools(cacheWritePool, readOnlyPool, goCache.L2, sharedSecret, defExpSeconds, []byte("test"), false)

See also:


rate limiter library that supports in-memory and distributed eventually consistent redis stores (includes Gin middleware)








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