I am Aggelos Bellos. I learn from the mistakes of people who took my advice.
My day to day work is to advocate Domain Driven Design and Test Driven Development. When I don't annoy people about these things, I usually annoy them by adding new rules in the static analysis tools and in the CI process in general. Beyond the code, I am deeply fascinated by socio-technical systems, exploring how social dynamics influence technical architectures and vice versa. In my free time, I delve into scalability challenges and design patterns, sharing insights and solutions on my blog.
- devstaff-crete/devstaff-website (1 month ago)
- devstaff-crete/DevStaff-Heraklion (1 month ago)
- Bellangelo/Devstaff-Meetup-Image-Generator (1 month ago)
- Bellangelo/phpadr (2 months ago)
- flow-php/flow (2 months ago)
- OpenTermsArchive/contrib-declarations (2 months ago)
- php/pie (2 months ago)
- Bellangelo/baseline-swiss-knife (2 months ago)
- OAI/OpenAPI-Specification (3 months ago)
- Bellangelo/chaos-engineering-frontend (3 months ago)
- flow-php/flow - 0.12.0 (4 days ago)
- php/pie - 0.8.0 (1 week ago)
- Bellangelo/phpadr - v1.0.3 (2 months ago)
- JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs - v2024.3 (3 months ago)
- Bellangelo/coding-standard - v1.0.3 (4 months ago)
- OAI/OpenAPI-Specification - 3.1.1 (4 months ago)
- Bellangelo/type-coverage-updater - v1.1.0 (5 months ago)
- Bellangelo/phpstan-require-file-exists - v1.2.0 (6 months ago)
- Bellangelo/comment-charm - v1 (6 months ago)
- Bellangelo/TestSuiteArchitect - v0.1.7 (8 months ago)
- Linkedin: Aggelos Bellos
- Medium: @aggelosbellos
- Email: [email protected]