what that? https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/comlink but nicer to use. thats about it
how to? register your functions in the other context like so
import { makeCallListener, registerListener } from 'osra'
const resolvers = {
'test': makeCallListener(async (myData) => {
// do work...
return {
foo: 1,
bar: 'bar',
baz: () => true
registerListener({ target: globalThis, resolvers })
and on your current context you can call it easily like
import { call } from 'osra'
const worker = new Worker('/worker.js', { type: 'module' })
call(worker)('test', { theDataThatWillBeSentToTheOtherContext: 1 })
.then(({ foo, bar, baz }) => {
// foo === 1
// bar === 'bar'
// baz === callable function that will return a promise with its response
all types of data supported by osra that will be correctly proxied/sent to the other context in addition of functions:
export type TransferableObject =
ArrayBuffer | MessagePort | ReadableStream | WritableStream |
TransformStream | /* AudioData | */ ImageBitmap /* | VideoFrame | OffscreenCanvas */
export interface StructuredCloneObject {
[key: string | number | symbol]: StructuredCloneType
export type StructuredCloneType =
boolean | null | undefined | number | BigInt | string | Date | RegExp | Blob | File | FileList | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView |
ImageBitmap | ImageData | Array<StructuredCloneType> | StructuredCloneObject | Map<StructuredCloneType, StructuredCloneType> | Set<StructuredCloneType>
export interface StructuredCloneTransferableObject {
[key: string | number | symbol]: StructuredCloneTransferableType
export type StructuredCloneTransferableType =
StructuredCloneType | TransferableObject | Array<StructuredCloneTransferableType> | StructuredCloneTransferableObject |
Map<StructuredCloneTransferableType, StructuredCloneTransferableType> | Set<StructuredCloneTransferableType>