Full documentation is at docs.openiaso.com
Iaso is a georegistry and data collection web platform structured around trees of organization units (also known a master lists)
The main tasks it allows accomplishing are:
- Data collection using XLSForm forms linked to org units through a mobile application.
- Import, comparison and merging of multiple Org Units' trees, both through a web application and an API allowing manipulation through data science tools like Jupyter notebooks.
- Validation of received data for Org Units' trees and forms.
- Exports of the Org Units' trees and form data, either in csv, xlsx, GeoPackage or through an api.
Video presentation of IASO at FOSDEM 2021, with slides.
Iaso is a platform created to support geo-rich data collection efforts, mainly in public health in emerging countries. The key feature that it supports is that any survey is linked to an organizational unit that is part of a canonical hierarchy. Each one of these org. units can have a location and a territory. The mobile data collection tool can be used to enrich this hierarchy with additional GPS coordinates, names corrections, etc ... which can then be validated by officials of the organizations in question through the web dashboard. This leads to continuous improvements of the geographic references available through the routine activities already planned. e.g. locating and registering health facilities while investigating malaria cases.
The tool has been used in multiple data collection efforts, notably in the domain of Performance Based Financing of health services in D.R. Congo, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria and is more and more used to compare multiple versions of official organisational hierarchies when a canonical one needs to be rebuilt (for example to rebuild a school map for DRC). To help for this type of project, we provide location selection interfaces, multiple levels of audits and an API open to data scientists for analysis and mass edits.
Iaso has been created by the company Bluesquare, specialised in software and services for public health, and has become open source under the MIT License in November 2020.
Iaso is made of a white labeled Android application using Java/Kotlin, reusing large parts of the ODK projects, and a web platform programmed using Python/GeoDjango on top of PostGIS. Frontend is mainly React/Leaflet. One of the aims is the ease of integration with other platforms. We already have csv and geopackage imports and exports and target easy integration with OSM.
This repository contains Iaso frontend and backend, respectively in Python Django and JS React. They interact via an API implemented via Django rest framework, all data is stored in Postgresql or the media/ directory.
A companion mobile app for Android allow submitting Form and creating org unit.
Form can also be filled in a web interface via the Enketo companion service. Both Iaso and Enketo need to be configured to work together. It is possible to run an Enketo service locally, see Enketo section below.
More documentation on the Front End part is present in hat/assets/README.rst
Some terminology in Iaso come from DHIS2, some from ODK which mean that it can be a bit confusing. We will highlight some equivalences that might help you.
This is not (yet) the complete Data Model, but here are the main concepts/model in Iaso:
- Iaso is multi tenant. Tenant are called and represented by the model
. It represents roughly one client org or country. It also represents the natural limit of right for a user. - Each Django's User has a linked Iaso
that link it to anAccount
and store extra parameters for the user. - Each tenant can have multiple
. Projects are linked to one android version App via theapp_id
. We use the link to control what a user can see from that app. DHIS2
is a standard server application and web UI in the industry to handle Health Data. Iaso can import and export data (forms and org unit) to it.OrgUnit
(Organizational Unit) is a Node of the GeoRegistry tree. e.g a particular Country, City or Hospital. each belonging to each other via aparent
relationship.- They can have a type
e.g. Country, City, Hospital - they can belong to multiple
, e.g. Urban Region or Campaign 2017 - DHIS2 has the concept of
but notType
so when importing from a DHIS2 Instance all the type will be Unknown and OrgUnit will belong to group likeClinic
are Group of group. Used when we export Group to DHIS2- OrgUnit may have a position in space, it can be an area, the
field is then used, or just a Point, thelocation
field is then used.- It's technically possible to have both
- a OrgUnit may have no geographical info
- a OrgUnit may geographically be outside its parent.
- They can have a type
links OrgUnit and Group imported from the same source, e.g a DHIS2 instance, a CSV or a GeoPackage.- A
on the imported instance is used to keep the reference from the original source, so we can match it again in the future (when updating the import or exporting it back) SourceVersion
is used to keep each version separated. e.g. each time we import from DHIS2 we create a new version.- OrgUnit (for their parent) and Group should only reference other OrgUnit and Group in the same version. (This is not enforced everywhere yet)
- A
are asynchronous function that will be run by a background worker in production. eg: Importing Data from DHIS2. see Worker section below for more info.Form
is the definition of a Form (list of question and their presentation).- The model contain the metadata, the actual definition is done in a
as an attached file. - Form are linked to one or more Project. This is used to know which Form are presented in the Mobile App.
- Form can have multiple versions
- The model contain the metadata, the actual definition is done in a
or Form instance is theSubmission
of a form. A form that has actually been filed by a user.- Instance can be GeoTagged and/or linked to a OrgUnit
- Note: We are moving to use Submission everywhere in the UI, but it is still in progress. please submit PR.
- Submission cannot be done via the Iaso UI itself but through Enketo or the Mobile App.
represents a type of person or object to which we want to attach multiple submissions to track said submissions in time and across OrgUnits.Entity
represents an actual person or object, defined by itsEntityType
. A concrete example is given in the docstrings of iaos.models.entityAPIImport
are used to log some request from the mobile app, so we can replay them in case of error. See vector_control Readmeaudit.Modification
are used to keep a history of modification on some models (mainly orgunit). See audit readmeLink
are used to match two OrgUnit (in different sources or not) that should be the same in the real world. Links have a confidence score indicating how much we trust that the two OrgUnit are actually the same.
They are usually generated via AlgorithmRun
, or the matching is done in a Notebook and uploaded via the API.
A running local instance for development can be spin up via docker compose which will install and configure all dep in separate container. As such your computer should only need:
If docker compose give you trouble, make sure it can connect to the docker daemon.
If you use an Apple Silicon Mac, ensure export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
is set.
A pgdata-iaso
folder, containing the database data, will be created in the parent directory of the git repository.
The docker-compose.yml file contains sensible defaults for the Django application.
Other environment variables can be provided by a .env file.
As a starting point, you can copy the sample .env.dist file and edit it to your needs.
cp .env.dist .env
all the commands here need to be run in the project directory, where you cloned the repository
This will build and download the containers.
docker compose build
docker compose up db
(if you get this message: "Database is uninitialized and superuser password is not specified. You must specify POSTGRES_PASSWORD" you can set POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres in the .env file )
In a separate bash (without closing yet the started db), launch the migrations
docker compose run --rm iaso manage migrate
(If you get a message saying that the database iaso does not exist, you can connect to your postgres instance using
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres
then type
create database iaso;
to create the missing database.)
To start all the containers (backend, frontend, db)
docker compose up
If you get a message saying that entrypoint.sh cannot be find and working on Windows, the git repository has an entry point script with Unix line endings (\n). But when the repository was checked out on a windows machine, git decided to try and be clever and replace the line endings in the files with windows line endings (\r\n). The solution is to disable git's automatic conversion:
git config --global core.autocrlf input
Reset the repo (make sure you don't have unpushed changes):
git rm --cached -r .
git reset --hard
And then rebuild:
docker compose build
The web server should be reachable at http://localhost:8081
should see a login form).
The docker-compose.yml
file describes the setup of the containers. See section below for a lit
To log in to the app or the Django admin, a superuser needs to be created with:
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py createsuperuser
You can now log in at the admin section: http://localhost:8081/admin
Then additional users with custom groups and permissions can be added through the Django admin or loaded via fixtures.
To create the initial account, project and profile, do the following:
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py create_and_import_data
And run the following command to populate your database with a tree of org units (these are childcare schools in the West of DRC):
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py tree_importer \
--org_unit_csv_file testdata/schools.csv \
--data_dict testdata/data_dict.json \
--source_name wb_schools_2019 \
--version_number=1 \
--main_org_unit_name maternelle
You can now log in on http://localhost:8081
Alternatively to this step and following steps you can import data from DHIS2 see section below.
Run the following command to create a form:
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py create_form
At this point, if you want to edit forms directly on your machine using Enketo, go to the Enketo setup section of this README (down below).
Once you are done, you can click on the eye for your newly added form, click on "+ Create", tap a letter, then enter, select the org unit, then click "Create submission".
If Enketo is running and well setup, you can fill the form now.
You can now start to develop additional features on Iaso!
Alternatively or in addition to steps 7-8, you can import data from the DHIS2 demo server (play.dhis2.org).
First find a running version from play.dhis2.org. Take the most recent as the other ones may return a 404. Follow the link, eg: https://play.im.dhis2.org/stable-2-40-3-1 In this example the version is Pass it to docker compose run:
In a new bash, run the command
docker compose run --rm iaso manage seed_test_data --mode=seed --dhis2version=
The hierarchy of OrgUnit, group of OrgUnit, Forms, and their Submissions will be imported. Type of OrgUnit are not handled at the moment
you can then log in through with :
- user : testemail2.37.7.1
- password: testemail2.37.7.1
Set the PLUGINS environment variable to polio
You can do so by adding the following line in your root .env:
Each docker container uses the entrypoint.
The entrypoint.sh
script offers a range of commands to start services or
run commands. The full list of commands can be seen in the script. The
pattern to run a command is
docker compose run <container-name> <entrypoint-command> <...args>
The following are some examples:
- Run tests
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py test
- Check type hints
docker compose exec iaso mypy .
- Create a shell inside the container
docker compose run iaso bash
- Run a shell command
docker compose run iaso eval curl http://google.com
- Run Django manage.py
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py help
- Launch a python shell
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py shell
- Launch a postgresql shell
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py dbshell
- Create pending ORM migration files
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py makemigrations
- Apply pending ORM migrations
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py migrate
- Show ORM migrations
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py showmigrations
- Complie SCSS files for templates
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py compilescss
- To run a background worker
docker compose run iaso manage tasks_worker
(see section Background tasks & Worker)
The list of the main containers:
- iaso The python backend in Django
- webpack The JS frontend in react
- db PostgreSQL database
All the container definitions for development can be found in the
Postgresql uses Django ORM models for table configuration and migrations.
You can also have a dhis2 and db_dhis2 docker, refer to section below.
Run launch a new docker container, Exec launch a command in the existing container.
So run
will ensure the dependencies like the database are up before executing. exec
main advantage is that it is faster
but the containers must already be running (launched manually)
will launch the entrypoint.sh script but exec will take a bash command to run which is why if you want
to run the django manage.py you will need to use run iaso manage
but exec iaso ./manage.py
Also take care that run
unless evoked with the --rm
will leave you with a lot of left over containers that take up
disk space and need to be cleaned occasionally with docker compose rm
to reclaim disk space.
To submit and edit existing form submission from the browser, an Enketo service is needed.
To enable the Enketo editor in your local environment, include the additional docker compose configuration file for Enketo. Do so by invoking docker compose with both files.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-enketo.yml up
No additional configuration is needed. The first time the docker image is launched, it will download dependencies and do a build witch may take a few minutes. Subsequents launches are faster.
You can check that the server is correctly launched. By going to http://localhost:8005
To seed your DB with typical example forms editable by Enketo, see the Import data from DHIS2 section
To create a copy of your iaso database in a file (dump) you can use:
docker compose exec db pg_dump -U postgres iaso -Fc > iaso.dump
The dumpfile will be created on your host. The -Fc
meant it will use an optimised Postgres format (which take less place). If you want the plain sql command use -Fp
- Ensure the database server is running but not the rest. Close your docker compose, ensure it is down with
docker compose down
- Launch the database server with
docker compose up db
- Choose a name for you database. In this example it will be
You can list existing databases usingdocker compose exec db psql -U postgres -l
- Create the database
docker compose exec db psql -U postgres -c "create database iaso5"
- Restore the dump file to put the data in your database
cat iaso.dump | docker compose exec -T db pg_restore -U postgres -d iaso5 -Fc --no-owner /dev/stdin
- Edit your
file to use to this database in theRDS_DB_NAME
settings. - Start Iaso. Cut your docker compose (see 0) and relaunch it fully. Warning: Modification in your .env file are not taken into account unless you entirely stop your docker compose
On the /health/ url you can find listed the Iaso version number, environment, deployment time, etc... that might help you understand how this server instance is deployed for debugging. e.g. https://iaso.bluesquare.org/health/
Experimental. For development if you need a local dhis2 server, you can spin up one in your docker compose by using the docker/docker-compose-dhis2.yml
configuration file.
Replace your invocations of docker compose
by docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-dhis2.yml
you need to specify both config files. e.g. to launch the cluster:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-dhis2.yml up
The DHIS2 will be available on your computer on http://localhost:8080 and is reachable from Iaso as http://dhis2:8080. The login and password are admin / district. If you use it as an import source do not set a trailing /
Database file are stored in ../pgdata-dhis2
and dhis2 log and uploaded files in docker/DHIS2_home
You will probably require some sample data in your instance. It is possible to populate your DHIS2 server with sample data from a database dump like it's done for the official play servers. The DHIS2 database take around 3 GB.
The steps as are follow: Download the file, stop all the docker, remove the postgres database directory, start only the database docker, load the database dump and then restart everything.
wget https://databases.dhis2.org/sierra-leone/2.36.4/dhis2-db-sierra-leone.sql.gz
docker compose down
sudo rm ../pgdata-dhis2 -r
docker compose up db_dhis2
zcat dhis2-db-sierra-leone.sql.gz| docker compose exec -T db_dhis2 psql -U dhis dhis2 -f /dev/stdin
docker compose up
cd Projects/blsq/iaso
docker compose up dhis2 db_dhis2
If you want to test the feature with your local dhis2 you can use the following step. This assumes you are running everything in Dockers
Launch DHIS2 with iaso within docker compose
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-dhis2.yml up
With the default docker compose setup, iaso is on port 8081 and dhis2 on port 8081 on your machine -
These step assume you have loaded your DHIS2 with the play test data, but it's not mandatory. To see how to do it, look at previous section
Configure an Oauth client in DHIS2: open http://localhost:8080/dhis-web-settings/index.html#/oauth2
Add new client:
- Name : what you want
- ClientId: What you want (must be the same as your external credential in Iaso)
- Client Secret : there is one generated, copy it and save it for a latter step
- Grant Type: check Authorization code
- Redirect URI : http://localhost:8081/api/dhis2/{same as client id}/login/
Setup external credential in iaso
- open admin http://localhost:8081/admin/
- go to External Credentials | http://localhost:8081/admin/iaso/externalcredentials/
- Add external credentials on the top right | http://localhost:8081/admin/iaso/externalcredentials/add/
- Account: The account for which you want to enable dhis2 auth
- Name : Same as DHIS2 Client ID
- Login : http://dhis2:8080/
- Password: the client secret you saved in step 2
- Url: http://localhost:8081/
5 Create a new user in Iaso, grant it some right
In DHIS2 retrieve the id for the user
- Current way I have found it is to go to http://localhost:8080/api/me and copy the id field
- But you can also find a user here, and it's in the url http://localhost:8080/dhis-web-user/index.html#/users
Add the dhis2 id to the Iaso user : Open the target user in the iaso Admin http://localhost:8081/admin/iaso/profile/ and add it to the dhis2 id field, save.
Log out from iaso or in a separate session/container
Try the feature by opening : http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize?client_id={your_dhis2_client_id}&response_type=code
ClamAV is an open-source antivirus that can be used by Iaso to scan files that are uploaded by users.
This feature is experimental. For development, if you need a local ClamAV server, you can start one up in your docker compose by using the docker/docker-compose-clamav.yml
configuration file.
Replace your invocations of docker compose
by docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-clamav.yml
. You need to specify both config files. e.g. to launch the cluster:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-clamav.yml up
To start scanning files, you'll need to set two environment variables in Iaso:
set toTrue
, in order to tell the backend that file uploads must be scanned (default =False
set to the address that Iaso can use to reach your ClamAV instance (localhost
in a local IASO installation without Docker,clamav
in a IASO installation with Docker)
Iaso and ClamAV will communicate over the default ClamAV port, 3310
, through a TCP socket.
If you need to use another port, you'll need to edit the docker/docker-compose-clamav.yml
file and provide the new port to Iaso through the CLAMAV_PORT
environment variable.
To test your forms on the mobile app follow those steps:
Download and setup Ngrok on https://ngrok.com/. Once Ngrok installed and running you must add your ngrok server url
in settings.py
by adding the following line :
After this step you have to import settings.py
to forms.py
in iaso/models/forms as
shown on the following lines :
"file": settings.FILE_SERVER_URL + self.file.url,
"xls_file": settings.FILE_SERVER_URL + self.xls_file.url if self.xls_file else None
Once Ngrok installed and running you have to run the app in developer mode (tap 10 times on the Iaso icon at start ) and connect the mobile app to your server by selecting the 3 dots in the top right corner and select "change server url". When connected to your server, refresh all data and your app will be ready and connected to your development server.
In this case you don't need Ngrok, the emulator considers that
points to
on the computer running the emulator, so if you have for example your django server running on
(In android emulator this becomes
You can just add at the end of hat/settings.py
the following :
And then in iaso/models/forms.py
in the import section, add :
from django.conf import settings
And then in the as_dict
method of FormVersion
model, add the settigs.FILE_SERVER_URL +
So that it becomes like :
"file": settings.FILE_SERVER_URL + self.file.url,
"xls_file": settings.FILE_SERVER_URL + self.xls_file.url if self.xls_file else None,
You can use DHIS2 as identity provider to login on Iaso. It requires a little configuration on DHIS2 and Iaso in order to achieve that.
In DHIS2 settings you must set up your Iaso instance as Oauth2 Clients. Client ID and Grant types must be :
- Client ID : What you want (Must be the same as your external credential name in Iaso)
- Grant Types : Authorization code
Redirect URIs is your iaso server followed by : /api/dhis2/{your_dhis2_client_id}/login/
For example : https://myiaso.com/api/dhis2/dhis2_client_id/login/
In iaso you must set up your dhis2 server credentials.
To do so, go to /admin
and setup as follows :
- Name: {your_dhis2_client_id} ( It must be exactly as it is in your DHIS2 client_id and DHIS2 Redirect URIs)
- Login: Your DHIS2 url (Ex : https://sandbox.dhis2.org/ )
- Password: The secret provided by DHIS2 when you created your OAuth2 client.
- Url: Your Iaso Url (Ex: https://myiaso.com/)
Don't forget the /
at the end of the urls.
Note right of Browser: user open url to login
Browser->>DHIS2: GET /uaa/oauth/authorize<br>?client_id={your_dhis2_client_id}
loop if not logged
DHIS2->>Browser: Login screen
Browser->>DHIS2: Enter credentials
DHIS2->>Browser: Login ok
DHIS2 -->> Browser: 200 Authorize Iaso? Authorize/Deny
Browser ->> DHIS2: POST /authorize
DHIS2 -->> Browser: 303 redirect
Browser ->> IASO: GET /api/dhis2/<dhis2_slug>/login/?code=
IASO ->> DHIS2: POST /uaa/oauth/token/
DHIS2 -->> IASO: access token
IASO ->> DHIS2 : GET /api/me
DHIS2 -->> IASO: credential info
Note right of IASO: find matching IASO user
Note right of IASO: Log in session
IASO -->> Browser: 303 Redirect & set cookies
Browser ->> IASO: Use iaso normally as logged user.
You can launch frontend dev server with OLD_BROWSER=true npm run dev
Webpack will compile the frontend for old browsers as it is in prod
You can add your variables in your .env
file to customise webpack build in development
cd ..
It is possible to configure the project to load a version of Bluesquare components from a local git repository instead of the one installed from a package. This enabled to develop feature necessitating modification in the components code.
To do so:
- place the repository in the parent repository of Iaso
- install the dependency for bluesquare-component by running npm install in its directory
- set the environment variable
- start your docker compose
cd ..
git clone [email protected]:BLSQ/bluesquare-components.git
cd bluesquare-components
npm install
cd ../iaso
LIVE_COMPONENTS=true docker compose up
This way the page will reload automatically if you make a change to the bluesquare-components code.
This functionality also works if you launch webpack outside of docker.
If you encounter any problem, first check that your repo is on the correct branch and the deps are up-to-date
You can override default application title, logo and colors using the .env
file and specify those variables:
SHOW_NAME_WITH_LOGO="<'yes' or 'no'>"
Those settings are optional and are using a default value if nothing is provided
If you are not using the Docker container for development, please ensure that you are using the supported Python version on your local machine. At the time of writing, the supported version is 3.9, but it's always a good idea to check the system requirements section for the most up-to-date information.
We have adopted ruff as our code formatting tool. Line length is 120.
The easiest way to use it is to install the pre-commit hook:
- Install pre-commit: pip install pre-commit
- Execute pre-commit install to install git hooks in your .git/ directory.
Another good way to have it working is to set it up in your code editor. Pycharm, for example, has good support for this.
The pre-commit is not mandatory but Continuous Integration will check if the formatting is respected!
For the Python backend, we use the Django builtin test framework. Tests can be executed with
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py test
In development the servers will reload when they detect a file change, either in Python or Javascript. If you need reloading for the bluesquare-components code, see the "Live Bluesquare Components" section.
If you need to restart everything
docker compose stop && docker compose start
If you encounter problems, you can try to rebuild everything from scratch.
# kill containers
docker compose kill
# remove `iaso` container
docker compose rm -f iaso
# build containers
docker compose build
# start-up containers
docker compose up
Scss files are only used to generate the style of the DJango Templates. It is not longer part of the webpack app. While editing scss files you have to compile it manually with the command:
docker compose exec iaso ./manage.py compilescss
If you don't compile it, changes will not be reflected while deploying as we only use css file in production.
To run a Jupyter Notebook, just copy the env variable from runaisasdev.sh, activate the virtualenv and run
python manage.py shell_plus --notebook
- Linux System X86_64 system
- Latest Ubuntu LTS Server (> 20.04)
- 16 GB ram
- 4 Threads @ 3 Ghz
- Docker
External service dependencies:
- PostgreSQL Server ≥ 16
- Enketo > 4.0
- Access to an SMTP server to send e-mail.
Currently supported version of Python is 3.9.
The PostgreSQL database server and Enketo server can both be deployed in Docker on the same physical machine, it is advised to double the recommended values in that case.
Each of these services have their own requirements, that are available on their own documentation.
The reset e-mail functionality use django builtin site framework to generate
the url. When setting a new server, got to the admin and modify the example.com
site to point to your server url.
You can do so at /admin/sites/site/1/change/
Some part of the code use DNS_DOMAIN environment variable, please fill it with the same value.
Please also check the # Email configuration
section in settings.py and check
everything is set correctly. Notably the sending address. See the
sending email section
in the Django documentation for the possible backends and tweak.
If you need to test s3 storage in development, you have to:
- Set the AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME env variable to a bucket created for such tests
- Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env variables appropriately
- Set the USE_S3 env variable to 'true'
These are actually exactly the same steps we use on AWS.
During local development, by default, the Javascript and CSS will be loaded from
a webpack server with live reloading of the code. To locally test the compiled
version as it is in production ( minified and with the same compilation option).
You can launch docker compose with the TEST_PROD=true
environment variable
e.g TEST_PROD=true docker compose up
This can be useful to reproduce production only bugs. Please also test with this configuration whenever you modify webpack.prod.js to validate your changes.
Alternatively this can be done outside of docker by running:
npm run webpack-prod
to do the build- Launching the django server with
e.g.TEST_PROD=true python manage.py runserver
Iaso queues certain functions (tasks) for later execution, so they can run outside an HTTP request. This is used for functions that take a long time to execute, so they're not canceled in the middle by a timeout of a connection closed.
Examples include: bulk import, modifications or export of OrgUnits.
These functions are marked by the decorator @task_decorator
. When called, they get added to a Queue and get executed by a worker.
In local development, you can run a worker by using the command:
docker compose run iaso manage tasks_worker
Alternatively, you can call the url tasks/run_all
which will run all the pending tasks in queue.
If you want to develop a new background task, the endpoint /api/copy_version/
is a good example of how to create a task and to plug it to the api.
To call a function with the @task_decorator
, you need to pass it a User
object, in addition to the other function's arguments. The user argument represents the user that is launching the task. At execution time the task will receive a iaso.models.Task
instance as an argument that can be used to report progress. It's
mandatory for the function to call task.report_success()
at the end of a successful execution to mark its proper completion.
We have two background workers mechanisms: a postgres backed one, and a SQS backed one. You can choose which one to use with the BACKGROUND_TASK_SERVICE
environment variable, use either SQS
(it defaults to SQS
in production).
The logic is based on a fork of the library django-beanstalk-worker from tolomea, please consult its doc for reference.
In production on AWS, we use Elastic Beanstalk workers which use a SQS queue. They use the SQS queue for enqueuing and persisting the tasks, but rely on the Elastic Beanstalk Worker environment to poll from that queue and push it to the webapp, at tasks/task
. AWS Elastic Beanstalk Worker docs
This is the one you get when running locally with docker compose run iaso manage tasks_worker
. Instead of enqueuing the tasks to SQS, we enqueue them to our postgres server.
Our tasks_worker
process (which runs indefinitely) will listen for new tasks and run them when it gets notified (using PostgreSQL NOTIFY/LISTEN features).
The Iaso application can be extended with "plugins". Enhancing Iaso with a plugin is done by adding a subfolder with your plugin's name in the folder plugins
. Then add the following line to your root .env
PLUGINS=your_plugin # your plugin folder's name
Ideally, plugins are managed in a separate Git repo and are added to the plugins
folder upon deploy.
Basic plugins exist of one Django app and are simply appended to the INSTALLED_APPS
in settings.py
based on their folder name. You can find an example of such a basic plugin in the plugins/test/
For more customization, you can add a plugin_settings.py
file in the root of your plugin. This allows you to add multiple Django apps, as well as inject constants and more into the settings.py
file of your Iaso deployment. For an example of such a more advanced plugin, we refer to the file plugins/plugin_settings.py.example