PPPwnUI is a program made in Python that adds an UI to the exploit PPPwn created by TheFlow.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/B-Dem/PPPwnUI
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch the app with
Windows :
Linux :
chmod +x PPPwnUI.sh
Then :
Select your Interface using the drop-down menu
Choose Between the Exploit Version you want to use (PPPwn Python, PPPwn_Go)
Choose your Payload Between :
PPPwn : (Available for : 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, 7.50, 7.51, 7.55, 8.00, 8.01, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 9.50, 9.51, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01, 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 & 11.00)
PPPwn Goldhen Payloads : (Available for : 9.00, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01 & 11.00)
VTX HEN : (Available for : 7.55, 8.00, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 10.00, 10.01 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 & 11.00)
PPPwn Linux Payloads : (Available for : 11.00)
Custom Payloads : (Your own custom Payloads)
Then click on Start PPPwn to start the Exploit.
On your PS4:
- Go to
and thenNetwork
- Select
Set Up Internet connection
and chooseUse a LAN Cable
- Choose
setup and choosePPPoE
forIP Address Settings
- Enter anything for
andPPPoE Pasword
- Choose
forDNS Settings
andMTU Settings
- Choose
Do Not Use
forProxy Server
- Click
Test Internet Connection
to communicate with your computer
If the exploit fails or the PS4 crashes, you can skip the internet setup and simply click on Test Internet Connection
. If the script fail or is stuck waiting for a request/response, abort it and run it again on your computer, and then click on Test Internet Connection
on your PS4.
On your Computer:
- Copy
to the root directory of an exfat/fat32 USB and insert it into your PS4.
[+] PPPwn - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow
[+] args: interface=enp0s3 fw=1100 stage1=stage1/stage1.bin stage2=stage2/stage2.bin
[+] Using PPPwnUI By Memz !
[+] STAGE 0: Initialization
[*] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 07:ba:be:34:d6:ab
[+] AC cookie length: 0x4e0
[*] Sending PADO...
[*] Waiting for PADR...
[*] Sending PADS...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[*] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending LCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending IPCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[*] Waiting for interface to be ready...
[+] Target IPv6: fe80::2d9:d1ff:febc:83e4
[+] Heap grooming...done
[+] STAGE 1: Memory corruption
[+] Pinning to CPU 0...done
[*] Sending malicious LCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[*] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending LCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending IPCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] Scanning for corrupted object...found fe80::0fdf:4141:4141:4141
[+] STAGE 2: KASLR defeat
[*] Defeating KASLR...
[+] pppoe_softc_list: 0xffffffff884de578
[+] kaslr_offset: 0x3ffc000
[+] STAGE 3: Remote code execution
[*] Sending LCP terminate request...
[*] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 97:df:ea:86:ff:ff
[+] AC cookie length: 0x511
[*] Sending PADO...
[*] Waiting for PADR...
[*] Sending PADS...
[*] Triggering code execution...
[*] Waiting for stage1 to resume...
[*] Sending PADT...
[*] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634be9200
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] AC cookie length: 0x0
[*] Sending PADO...
[*] Waiting for PADR...
[*] Sending PADS...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[*] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending LCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[*] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[*] Sending IPCP configure request...
[*] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] STAGE 4: Arbitrary payload execution
[*] Sending stage2 payload...
[+] Done!
- Rebuild PPPwn_CPP to use Interface Name and not ID
- Auto Updater
This Program was originally made with ❤️ by Memz for Sighya.
If you find this program helpful, leave a star on the repo!
And if you got any feedback, open an issues !