Pretty fast base85 JavaScript library (with TS support).
It is designed to encode binary data (Uint8Array
) into a "base85" text string and vice versa.
npm install @alttiri/base85
encodes the input Uint8Array
into base85 string
decodes the input base85 string
into Uint8Array
is "z85" by default.
Also, there are encodeBase85
and decodeBase85
aliases for encode
and decode
Binary data encoding example:
import {encodeBase85} from "@alttiri/base85";
// png image, 169 bytes
const imageBytes = new Uint8Array([137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10,0,0,0,13,73,72,68,82,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,32,8,2,0,0,0,252,24,237,163,0,0,0,1,115,82,71,66,0,174,206,28,233,0,0,0,4,103,65,77,65,0,0,177,143,11,252,97,5,0,0,0,9,112,72,89,115,0,0,14,195,0,0,14,195,1,199,111,168,100,0,0,0,62,73,68,65,84,72,75,237,210,49,10,0,48,8,197,80,239,127,105,187,252,161,208,150,32,93,243,86,149,44,86,191,213,33,131,9,3,200,0,50,128,12,160,92,74,63,242,77,55,217,216,100,48,97,0,25,64,6,144,1,208,189,0,183,189,228,126,66,93,37,1,0,0,0,0,73,69,78,68,174,66,96,130]);
const base85 = encodeBase85(imageBytes);
// "Ibl@q4gj0X0000dnK#lE0000w0000w2M:#a0q)Y3Qw$n]0DRdeliagl9o^C600D}2o*F:VV5Yp<vfDSh010Qns-TMy4-nnD4-ns/z(vgD002hOl{T^yoypdZ3ih:=-zD2Mx$Kqp^3t!W]h.bcr>)fdG9.U305x6kPJ>8N[>z6@/KMWA02X3aKo9.w0jPV5ENmr^0rr9107/QOm6n<:F="
// 212
If you need to encode a text (are you really need it?) use TextEncoder
const input = "Man is distinguished";
const inputBytes = utf8StringToArrayBuffer(input);
console.log(encode(inputBytes, "ascii85")); // "9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q"
console.log(encode(inputBytes, "z85")); // "o<}]Zx(+zcx(!xgzFa9aB7/b}"
const outputBytes = decode("9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q", "ascii85");
const output = arrayBufferToUtf8String(outputBytes);
console.log(output); // "Man is distinguished"
For more examples see the tests.
You can test the lib online in the browser's console:
All required things are already in the global scope. (encode
, decode
; util functions: utf8StringToArrayBuffer
and others.)
The optimisation for "ascii85"
by replacing "\0\0\0\0"
by "z"
instead of "!!!!!"
and " "
(4 spaces) by "y"
instead of "+<VdL"
is not supported.
Anyway nobody forbids you to do something like base85.replaceAll("!!!!!", "z")
as well as to add "<~"
, "~>"
manually if you need it.
/** 85 unique characters string */
type CharSet = string;
* Returns Base85 string.
* @param {Uint8Array} ui8a - input data to encode
* @param {"ascii85" | "z85" | string} [charset="z85"] - 85 unique characters string
* @return {string}
* */
export declare function encode(ui8a: Uint8Array, charset?: "ascii85" | "z85" | CharSet): string;
* Decodes Base85 string.
* @param {string} base85 - base85 encoded string
* @param {"ascii85" | "z85" | string} [charset="z85"] - 85 unique characters string
* @return {Uint8Array}
* */
export declare function decode(base85: string, charset?: "ascii85" | "z85" | CharSet): Uint8Array;
/** Alias to `encode`. */
export declare const encodeBase85: typeof encode;
/** Alias to `decode`. */
export declare const decodeBase85: typeof decode;
declare const base85: {
encode: typeof encode;
decode: typeof decode;
encodeBase85: typeof encode;
decodeBase85: typeof decode;
export default base85;
npm install @alttiri/base85
npm install git+
More ways
Based on SemVer:
npm install git+
Or add
"@alttiri/base85": "github:alttiri/base85#semver:1.5.1"
file.See available tags.
Based on a commit hash:
npm install git+https://[email protected]/alttiri/base85.git#ca3217f3d1075b8ff0966e24437326a6c2537bbc
Or add
"@alttiri/base85": "github:alttiri/base85#ca3217f3d1075b8ff0966e24437326a6c2537bbc"
file.See available commits hashes.
To install you need first to create .npmrc
file with @alttiri:registry=
echo @alttiri:registry= >> .npmrc
only then run
npm install @alttiri/base85
Note, that GitHub Packages requires to have also ~/.npmrc
file (.npmrc
in your home dir) with //
content, where TOKEN
is a token with the read:packages
permission, take it here