aemkvDB is a simple encapsulation of key values for Redis, JSON, SQLite, go map memory key value pairs, and local file storage methods, characterized by high performance and fast speed.
Please see the support information to get the support platform.
A very tiny key-value store that can handle any number of inserts at the same time.
At the same time, the program also supports simple handling of key value storage using the cli method.
Redis(Support link to redis server) JSON(Support store to json, support save to local file) SQLite/MySQL/postgresql(Support link to mysql, postgresql and sqlite) go map(package name is integ)(Using go-building map, do not support save data to local file or database) local file(using local file storage) buntDB(using buntDB to store data) ETCD(support link to etcd server)
Linux x86_x64
Windows amd64
MacOS x86_x64
package main
import ""
import "" //using redis backends
var db aemkvDB.StrApi //- data type support: string
//var db2 aemkvDB.AutoApi //auto detect backend - data type support :any
func main(){
db = redis.New(aemkvDB.ConfigMemDb{
Addr: []string{""},
Password: "123456",
Database: "",
db.Set("key", "value")
print(db.Get("key")) //out value
import package from*****
import , which is aemkvDB config, you could use aemkvDB.ConfigMemDb or aemkvDB.ConfigFileDb or aemkvDB.ConfigDb to create db instance.
other example view
package main
import ""
import ""
func main() {
// using buntdb backend
config := aemkvDB.ConfigMemDb{}
db := buntdb.New(config)
db.Set("key", "value")
db.Set("key2", "value2")
print(db.Get("key"), db.Get("key2")) //value value2
package example
import (
func redisDB() {
config := aemkvDB.ConfigMemDb{}
config.Addr = []string{""}
config.Ctx = context.Background()
db.Set("key", "value")
db.Set("key2", "value2")
print(db.Get("key"), db.Get("key2")) //value value2
standard api: get,set,delete
type StrApi interface {
Set(key, value string) error
Get(key string) string
Delete(key string) error
IsOpened() bool
Close() error
type AutoApi interface {
Set(key string, value interface{}) error
Get(key string) interface{}
Delete(key string) error
IsOpened() bool
Close() error
meanwhile, different backends also support different and additional APIs
such as redis backend:
Incr(key string)
Decr(key string)
json backend:
GetStr(key string)
GetInt(key string)
GetBool(key string)
GetFloat64(key string)
SetStr(key, value string)
SetInt(key string, value int)
SetBool(key string, value bool)
SetFloat64(key string, value float64)
- buntDB:string
- redis:string,int
- json:string,int,bool,float64
- go map and sync map:any
- local file:string
- sql:string
// ConfigMemDb for redis,etcd,buntDB.
// ->
// ->
// ->
type ConfigMemDb struct {
Addr []string //for redis,etcd. redis only Use Addr[0]
Password string //for redis
Database string //for redis and buntDB.
Ctx context.Context //for redis,etcd.
Addr: server address and port
Password: password for redis(if needed)
Database: database name for redis(Usually "0") and buntDB(buntDB mode support ":memory:" and file path)
Ctx: context for redis and etcd
// SqlDb for sqlite3,mysql,postgresql.
// ->
type SqlDb struct {
Addr string //for mysql,postgresql.
User string //for mysql,postgresql.
Password string //for mysql,postgresql.
DataBase string //for sqlite3,mysql,postgresql.
Port string //for mysql,postgresql.
Mode int // Open mode 0:sqlite-New 1:sqlite-Open 2:mysql-Open 3:postgresSql-Open
Addr: server address
User: user name for mysql,postgresql
Password: password for mysql,postgresql
DataBase: database name for mysql,postgresql,sqlite3
Port: port for mysql,postgresql
Mode: open mode . If mode is 0 or 1, only DataBase is needed, because sqlite3 is a file-based database, DataBase is file path. If mode is 2 or 3, Addr,User,Password,DataBase,Port are needed.
// ConfigStandDb for json,file,syncMap,map db.
// ->
// ->
type ConfigStandDb struct {
Data string //for json,file.
Mode int //for json,syncMap,map db. 0:Map 1:syncMap
Data: file path for json and fileDB
Mode: mapDB mode. 0:go-Map 1:go-sync.Map
set Set an key & value in the store
get Get a value from the store
delete Delete a key from the store
:help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command