My config is compatible with both vim and neovim. (Some plugins are only available on neovim)
To install all the vim plugins open vim and run :PluginInstall
Vim configuration is huge but it's organized and documented, so just open the .vimrc
file and check it out
Plugins (using vim-plug):
Check the .vimrc
section for the list of plugins
Other prompts are available and can be set with the function prompt [1-7]
, or directly source one of the files inside prompts
Prompts support:
- git directories and status of the files (untracked, staged... aswell as upstream checks), but you must source
- diferent colors for normal user / root / ssh session user (in prompt 6, 7 this segment is hidden unless the user is root or in an ssh session)
- python conda/virtual environments. except prompt 1
- last command exit status ( failed or succeded )
- compress some paths ( my repository path is compressed into "R:" . except prompt 5, 6, 7
- background jobs counter
- command counter only prompt 5, 6, 7
- show the respective tty. except 6, 7
- display virtual machine environment indicator only prompt 7
To install the tmux plugins press <prefix>+I
(it will freeze for a few seconds...)
Tmux has a lot of custom configurations added in .tmux.conf
and a few plugins inside .tmux
added as submodules that are managed through TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager)
My custom KDE window decorations are here , a fork from this
I've used firefox color in the past but it's not able to theme everything. So I've made my own custom theme and got it signed:
I also have some custom tweaks on firefox/userChrome.css
and custom developer tools theme on firefox/userContent.css
My slack style hack with the following sidebar settings:
My spotify modified text theme to use with spicetify
- To fix spotify glitches disable gpu with
My modified whatsapp style (not up to date with the modified style file on this repo)
only contains some bash options and sources all scripts inside .bash, which contains:- prompts
- functions and aliases
contains, which is a new readline implementation and it's simply amazing! There is alsoblerc
which contains custom settings and themes to make blesh suit my preferences...- fzf-bindings.bash for fzf bindings that defines some custom bindings through And for directory marks with fzf which saves a lot of typing :)
- fzf-git.bash contains some functions to use fzf with git. There are some better projects with these
with some useless utilities that I didn't want to create as a function...
contains some bindings for bash readline that are accepted
too. I use this file for more barebones configs that I don't want
with my configuration for git (uses delta to view diffs) -
fonts in .fonts are from nerd fonts. They are stored in lfs so see the lfs section bellow
konsole contains my konsole themes and profile (lives in
) -
icons contains papirus icons edited to match gruvbox style (there is a script inside to install these icons)
css contains styles to inject somewhere
contains a dashboard from gdb-dashboard that takes gdb out of the dark ages. -
Files inside
- bottom and
configs - ranger configs. The
inside it is also used byfzf
to preview files if it exists. Which makes not sense but I didn't bother to place it better where it can be used by both programs... - rofi with a custom colorscheme, that I use in rofi launch script for Plasma to look like this and bind a key to something like this
$HOME/.bash/scripts/ -show run
directory with gruvbox colorstyle for zathura copied from abdullaev- other old files for the combo: bspwm + sxhkd + polybar + Compton. Now I just use
for mental health reasons...
- bottom and
Most of my files are set with the gruvbox colorscheme that is the only one I don't get tired of...
for building ble.shfzf
for some keybindings and bookmark directories in bashdelta
for generating git diffs (setup in.gitconfig
) deltaripgrep
to use with vim-fzf searching for file contents
This repository contains submodules for the
, vim-plug
and Tmux Plugin Manager
. Do either:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
where -j8 is the number of jobs to run in paralell. Or:
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
NOTE To configure the first time you need to run make inside .bash/
(this is where the gawk
dependency comes in)
To update the vim plugins and the repo use
git pull --recurse-submodules -j8
If new submodules where added you might need to run git submodule init
To copy/link the files you want run install/ --help
to check the usage of this script
For unattendend install:
./install/ --force --post --batch
Some larger files are stored on lfs, they are normally excluded so for pulling them use this command:
# Use -I to get only specific files, otherwise omitting that pulls all lfs files
# -X is required so it doesn't use exclude rules on .lfsconfig
git lfs pull -I '*.ttf' -X ''