This repository holds the relevant files to mimic the graphical environment that I use. It is heavily inspired by this github repository, but is still different in many ways.
For a Arch Linux System, one needs to download the packages located in the pkg
directory to make sure that the fonts are correctly displayed.
Note: Make sure to backup your files before following this guide if any of the commands below involve overwriting a config
$ cd ~/bin
$ git clone
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/alacritty/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/dunst/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/i3/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/picom/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/polybar/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/rofi/ ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/ranger ~/.config/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini ~/.config/gtk-3.0/
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.config/oh-my-zsh/themes/jonathan.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/jonathan.zsh-theme
$ ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/.vim ~/
$ sudo ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/etc/vpn/vpn-disconnect.service /etc/systemd/system/vpn-disconnect.service
$ sudo ln -s ~/bin/dotfiles/etc/vpn/vpn-reconnect.service /etc/systemd/system/vpn-reconnect.service
$ # Replace username placeholder of vpn services with your username
$ sudo pacman -U pkg/ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em-2.3.3-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
$ cd bin/vpn/src && make && sudo chown root:root protonvpn_toggler && sudo chmod u+s protonvpn_toggler
A dummy install script is also provided (
), but hasn't been tested. Make sure to read its content before you run it.
Use the i3-theme
tool located in ~/bin/dotfiles/bin/i3-theme/
to change the theme dynamically