Text::Haml - Haml Perl implementation
use Text::Haml;
my $haml = Text::Haml->new;
my $html = $haml->render('%p foo'); # <p>foo</p>
$html = $haml->render('= $user', user => 'friend'); # <div>friend</div>
# Use Haml file
$html = $haml->render_file('tmpl/index.haml', user => 'friend');
Text::Haml implements Haml http://haml.info/docs/yardoc/file.REFERENCE.html specification.
Text::Haml passes specification tests written by Norman Clarke https://github.com/haml/haml-spec and supports only cross-language Haml features. Do not expect ruby or Rails specific extensions to work.
Text::Haml implements the following attributes:
Holds the string of code that is appended to the generated Perl code.
Holds the Perl code.
Holds compiled code.
Default is utf-8.
Escape subroutine presented as string.
Default is
my $s = shift;
return unless defined $s;
$s =~ s/&/&/g;
$s =~ s/</</g;
$s =~ s/>/>/g;
$s =~ s/"/"/g;
$s =~ s/'/'/g;
return $s;
Switch on/off Haml output html escaping. Default is on.
Holds filters.
Supported formats: xhtml, html, html5.
Default is xhtml.
Holds the namespace under which the Perl package is generated.
Holds the string of code that is prepended to the generated Perl code.
Holds the variables that are passed during the rendering.
When options is NOT SET (by default) passed variables are normal Perl
variables and are used with $
$haml->render('%p $var', var => 'hello');
When this option is SET passed variables are Perl lvalue
subroutines and are used without $
$haml->render('%p var', var => 'hello');
But if you declare Perl variable in a block, it must be used with $
- my $foo;
%p= $foo
helpers => {
foo => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/r/z/;
return $string;
Holds helpers subroutines. Helpers can be called in Haml text as normal Perl functions. See also add_helper.
First argument passed to the helper (Text::Haml instance by default).
Holds the last error.
Holds parsed haml elements.
Holds path of Haml templates. Current directory is a default. If you want to set several paths, arrayref can also be set up. This way is the same as Text::Xslate.
Holds cache level of Haml templates. 1 is a default. 0 means "Not cached", 1 means "Checked template mtime" and 2 means "Used always cached". This way is the same as Text::Xslate.
Holds cache directory of Haml templates. $ENV{HOME}/.text_haml_cache is a default. Unless $ENV{HOME}, File::Spec->tempdir was used. This way is the same as Text::Xslate.
my $haml = Text::Haml->new;
$haml->add_helper(current_time => sub { time });
Adds a new helper.
$haml->add_filter(compress => sub { $_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g; $_[0]});
Adds a new filter.
Builds the Perl code.
Compiles parsed code.
Interprets compiled code.
$haml->parse('%p foo');
Parses Haml string building a tree.
my $text = $haml->render('%p foo');
my $text = $haml->render('%p var', var => 'hello');
Renders Haml string. Returns undef on error. See error attribute.
my $text = $haml->render_file('foo.haml', var => 'hello');
A helper method that loads a file and passes it to the render method. Since "%____vars" is used internally, you cannot use this as parameter name.
Despite of existing string interpolation in Perl, Ruby interpolation is also supported.
$haml->render('%p Hello #{user}', user => 'foo')
When declaring tag attributes :
symbol can be used.
$haml->render("%a{:href => 'bar'}");
Perl-style is supported but not recommented, since your Haml template won't work with Ruby Haml implementation parser.
$haml->render("%a{href => 'bar'}");
When using the Data::Section::Simple, you need to unset the variable encoding
in the constructor or using the encoding
attribute of the Text::Haml:
use Data::Section::Simple qw/get_data_section/;
my $vpath = get_data_section;
my $haml = Text::Haml->new(cache => 0, path => $vpath, encoding => '');
# or
#my $haml = Text::Haml->new(cache => 0, path => $vpath);
#$haml->encoding(''); # encoding attribute
my $index = $haml->render_file('index.haml');
say $index;
@@ index.haml
%strong текст
see https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Section::Simple#utf8-pragma
Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, [email protected]
In order of appearance:
Nick Ragouzis
Norman Clarke
Breno G. de Oliveira (garu)
Yuya Tanaka
Wanradt Koell (wanradt)
Keedi Kim
Carlos Lima
Jason Younker
Mark Aufflick (aufflick)
Graham Todd (grtodd)
Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi.
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.