A 2D graphics library to display basic shapes and text to a window using OpenGL!
The documentation can be found at https://tretre91.github.io/MyGL/
This is a student project, I am relatively new to graphics programming so do not expect the most efficient, optimized and well tested code. If you want an efficient graphics library there are others solutions that might better suit your needs (for example SFML or SDL2).
This library is built using Meson, further information can be found here. Note that you should have doxygen installed if you want to build the documentation.
This library depends on glfw for the window implementation and freetype for the font / text implementation. They can be downloaded when configuring the project if not found on the system.
It also has smaller dependencies which are included in the source code :
- glm for the vectors and most of the mathematical functions
- stb_image for texture loading
- glad for the OpenGL loader
- Doxygen Awesome for the doxygen css theme