I18nGo is a simple internationalization library for Golang that enables translation and locale management. It provides utilities to change locales, handle translations with scoped paths, and supports dynamic translation replacement using templates.
- Multiple Locales: Load and manage multiple locales for translations.
- Change Locales Dynamically: Easily switch between different languages.
- Translation with Scoped Paths: Fetch translations using dot-separated (or custom) paths.
- Dynamic Value Replacement: Replace placeholders in translations dynamically with provided values.
- Debugging: Enable debugging to log details about missing translations and locale management.
- Customizable Separator: Use a custom separator for translation paths.
To install I18nGo, use the following:
go get github.com/nejdetkadir/i18ngo
First, create and initialize I18nGo with options like default locale and available locales.
package main
import (
func main() {
enData, _ := os.ReadFile("foo/bar/en.json")
trData, _ := os.ReadFile("foo/bar/tr.json")
json files should be like:
"pages": {
"login": {
"buttons": {
"login": "Login"
i18n, err := i18ngo.New(i18ngo.Options{
DefaultLocale: "en",
Debug: true, // Enable debugging (default: false)
Locales: []i18ngo.LocaleOptions{
{Locale: "en", File: enData},
{Locale: "tr", File: trData},
if err != nil {
// Use the i18ngo instance for translations
translated := i18n.T("pages.login.buttons.login")
println(translated) // Output: Login
Change the locale dynamically using ChangeLocale.
translated := i18n.T("pages.login.buttons.login")
println(translated) // Output: Giriş
You can pass dynamic values for translation using the T function.
json files should be like:
"pages": {
"welcome": "Welcome, {{name}}!"
params := map[string]interface{}{"name": "John"}
translated := i18n.T("pages.welcome", ¶ms)
println(translated) // Output: Welcome, John!
Use a scope to define a context for your translation paths.
json files should be like:
"common": {
"greetings": {
"hello": "Hello"
params := map[string]interface{}{"scope": "common.greetings"}
translated := i18n.T("hello", ¶ms)
println(translated) // Output: Hello
You can use a custom separator for translation paths. You don't need to change the JSON files; just update the separator in the options.
i18n, _ := i18ngo.New(i18ngo.Options{
DefaultLocale: "en",
Separator: "/", // Use a custom separator (default: ".")
Locales: []i18ngo.LocaleOptions{
{Locale: "en", File: enData},
{Locale: "tr", File: trData},
translated := i18n.T("pages/login/buttons/login")
println(translated) // Output: Login
Check out the example for a complete demonstration of I18nGo usage.
The package includes comprehensive unit tests to ensure correct behavior across various scenarios. To run the tests, use the following:
go test ./...
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nejdetkadir/i18ngo. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.