- New York
- digitaldragonslayers.com
- @mccorkle
A Torch plugin that adds must-have utilities and administration tools to Space Engineers dedicated servers.
The official collection of Windhawk mods
🚀 Practical and document place for DevOps toolchain
Demo 2D implementation of radiance cascade global illumination in Unity.
Disables the forced 3rd person camera zoom
Node graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.6
Source code for "Unity Game Development Cookbook", published by O'Reilly Media
Draggable, resizable, dockable and stackable UI panel solution for Unity 3D
The technical implementation guide for the tri-departmental price transparency rule.
🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
(Unity3D) Test multiplayer without building
Visualizer for your Playable graphs
Zoomable user interface library for web apps.
Unity game being developed as a learning exercise for Unity and C#.
Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
Vue Material Dashboard - Inspired by Material Dashboard of Creative Tim.
Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring - https://oguzhaninan.github.io/Stacer-Web
💧 Vue.js component works with AWS S3 serverlessly
"Compile" your VueJS components (sfc/*.vue) to standalone html/js/css ... python only (no need of nodejs). Support python components too !
Simple cron-like parser for Python, which determines if current datetime matches conditions
Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
The Unofficial Avorion Linux Server Manager
Manages grid logic to disable unnecessary updates and improve server sim speed.
An extensible modding framework and improved client/DS for Space Engineers. Still a work in progress!
A bridge between Space Engineers and the real world.
Front end clients for the SEWebAPI backend service. SEWebAPI is an http restful backend which integrates into Keen Software's Space Engineers game.