Treewatcher is a python library to monitor a directory recursively using inotify. The user can define callbacks by subclassing a class. Depending from the type of the class the user subclass from, callbacks can be executed in the same process of the monitoring process, in a thread or a pool of thread.
Treewatcher is still a work in progress and the main focus for now is automated testing.
It's inspired from some parts of the pytagsfs project :
inotifyx (>=0.1.1) : You can install it using pip: $ pip install inotifyx
You can also run python install from the project root directory, it will pull the needed dependencies.
I suggest to use virtualenv. It will help keeping your distribution happy :) Install inotifyx (see Dependencies) and install treewatcher :
$ git clone git://
$ cd treewatcher && python install
Here is a complete example using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper from
$ mkvirtualenv test
$ easy_install pip
$ git clone git://
$ cd treewatcher
$ python install
You're done ! You can now launch the test suite :
$ cd tests && ./
Tests are in the 'tests' directory. They can all be launch using the script :
$ ./ (it takes 10 minutes on my machine)
You can also list all available test using le -l option :
$ ./ -l
You can pick one, or more from the list and run them :
$ ./ TestSerialTreeWatcher.test_nosublevel_onefile TestFourThreadsTreeWatcher.test_one_sublevel_one
You can also run each test files individually :
$ python
You can list tests available from a specific file :
$ python -l
And run specifics tests from a specific file :
$ python TestSerialTreeWatcher.test_nosublevel_onedir TestSerialTreeWatcher.test_nosublevel_onefile
You will find examples in the examples directory.
Events Process (Producer) ------> Events Queue ------> Events Dispatcher (serial, threaded, processes) ------> Event consumer