Become a sponsor to pyenv
Pyenv is an industry-standard solution to manage alternative Python installations in Linux/UNIX and MacOS environments.
It's maintained by a international team of volunteers and a vast worldwide community of users and contributors.
Our focus is to meet the needs of our user base functionality-wise and ensure that the project stays up to date and of production-grade quality.
Any funding we receive we'll use on implementing features that the backer is interested in as well as supporting routine maintenance efforts like adding support for new Python releases, ensuring quality control and automating routine tasks.
Other than donating to the project as a whole via Github Sponsors, you can also support the project more targetly by placing a bounty at on a specific issue that you're interested in resolving.
Meet the team
Daniel Hahler blueyedLoving Python, terminals and good DevOps workflows. Support me via Bitcoin (18mYKFCYgpWREUW3QtgQXP19CkfyZ1Nce8), or Flattr.
Josh Friend joshfriendAndroid Developer Experience @square