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182 lines (116 loc) · 7.93 KB

File metadata and controls

182 lines (116 loc) · 7.93 KB


We are excited to see you want to be a part of this project by contributing. Here is some information on how to get started, as well as some knowledge on our requirements.

Get Started

Clone and Install

git clone   # Clone your forked repository
cd rhdh                                               # Change to the project directory
yarn install                                          # Install dependencies
yarn tsc                                              # Run type generation and checks

Run the Showcase App

We currently have quite a bit of moving parts for the showcase application. As such, we have documentation dedicated to the requirements for running the showcase app under

Useful Scripts

Our project uses Turborepo for running scripts across packages efficiently. Here are some useful scripts used in the project:

yarn start             # Starts the backend application
yarn dev               # Starts both backend and frontend applications
yarn build             # Builds all packages
yarn tsc               # Runs TypeScript type checks across all packages
yarn test              # Runs tests across all packages
yarn lint:check        # Checks for linting errors across all packages
yarn lint:fix          # Fixes linting errors automatically across all packages
yarn prettier:check    # Checks for formatting issues across all packages
yarn prettier:fix      # Fixes formatting issues automatically across all packages
yarn clean             # Cleans up build artifacts across all packages


We welcome code and non-code contributions to our project. Non-code contributions can come in the form of documentation updates, bug reports, enhancement requests, and feature requests.

Finding Issues to Work On

Want to submit some changes to the code? The best place to start is to look through our issues for bugs, good first issues, and help wanted. These are a great starting point for new contributors.

Bug Reporting

If you found a bug in our showcase app, please submit an issue describing the problem that you ran into. Important information to include:

  • Steps to reproduce the bug
  • The app-config.yaml that is being used (remember to remove all secrets before sharing)
  • Any relevant logs

This will help us narrow down the potential cause of the bug and speed up the time it takes to solve the problem at hand.

Updating Backstage Dependencies

To update Backstage dependencies, run the following command:

yarn versions:bump     # Updates Backstage dependencies

Enhancement Requests

If you want an enhancement of a feature or workflow, you can submit an issue describing the enhancement. Include:

  • What you are wanting to see improved
  • The current behavior
  • The new behavior you wish to see

Feature Requests

If you want to see a new feature within the showcase app, file an issue detailing the new feature. Include:

  • What you are trying to achieve with the new feature
  • What you will need
  • Who will have access
  • Any relevant documentation or information on the new feature


Documentation is another option for contributing to us. If there is documentation that is unclear or could use some improvements, please raise an issue or submit a pull request.

Pull Requests

If you want to submit code changes to the project, here are some guidelines:

  1. Create a Branch

    git checkout -b your-feature-branch  # Create a new branch for your feature
  2. Implement Your Changes

    Make your code changes, ensuring that you follow the project's coding standards and best practices.

  3. Testing

    • Run Tests: Ensure all tests pass before committing.

      yarn test         # Run unit tests
      cd e2e-tests
      yarn showcase     # Run e2e tests

      For more on the e2e, check the e2e contributing guidelines

    • Note on Environment Dependencies:

      • If your new or edited code can't be validated locally due to environment dependencies, you can open a draft Pull Request (PR). This allows the tests to run on the test environment as described in our CI documentation.
  4. Linting and Formatting

    Ensure your code passes linting and formatting checks.

    yarn lint:check     # Checks for linting errors
    yarn lint:fix       # Fixes linting errors automatically
    yarn prettier:check # Checks for formatting issues
    yarn prettier:fix   # Fixes formatting issues automatically
  5. Ensure CI Passes

    Your contributions will need to pass the Continuous Integration (CI) tests for pull requests.

  6. Commit Changes

    Use meaningful commit messages following the Conventional Commits specification.

    git commit -m "feat: add new feature"  # Commit your changes with a meaningful message
  7. Update Documentation

    If there will be changes to the app config, we ask that documentation be updated if it will be a requirement for running the app. We also ask to ensure that the app will still work in the case of dummy information being supplied to the app config. While it is not a hard requirement, it does help others with quickly being able to get up and running with the showcase app.

  8. Push to Your Fork

    git push origin your-feature-branch    # Push your branch to your fork
  9. Open a Pull Request

    Go to the original repository and click on New Pull Request. Provide a clear description of your changes, including any issues your PR fixes, acceptance criteria, and any special notes to the reviewers.

Commit Messages

Follow the Conventional Commits specification:

  • feat: A new feature.
  • fix: A bug fix.
  • docs: Documentation changes.
  • style: Code style changes (formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.).
  • refactor: Code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature.
  • test: Adding or correcting tests.
  • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools.

Adding Statically Linked Plugins for Frontend and Backend

When contributing a new @internal plugin into this repo, you must remember to add the plugin to the Dockerfiles under the section titled Stage 2 - Install dependencies:

For example:

COPY $EXTERNAL_SOURCE_NESTED/plugins/dynamic-plugins-info/package.json ./plugins/dynamic-plugins-info/package.json


You can reach out to us in our community Slack channel if you run into any issues with setup, running, or testing the application. Members of the team and community can assist you with questions and concerns you might have. Even if you don't need help, please consider joining and being involved in our community.


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.