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wenmou mengdehong
Zhejiang University of Technology

Zhejiang University of Technology Zhejiang University of Technology

Chloe Zhu Chloezhu010
Building ETHPanda & LXDAO, Prev. EIP Fun Project Lead
Mukesh Tiwari mukeshtiwari
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Swansea University


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


abbylow abbylow
Abby The F.I.R.E Fighter


Arun Jangra ocdbytes
ZK | Maths | CS

@RizeLabs Local Group 🌌

Chen Wen Kang cwkang1998
Programming and Reading Enthusiast.



Hong Kong

Pheglovog Pheglovog
Phenomenal global voyage, maybe someday. A cool guy who want devote to BlockChain and Edge computing. Oh, which language I use, I can just say never be c/c++
Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


Austin Wu xfap
Work in privacy-perserving computation field. Most interested in Zero-Knowledge Proof, MPC, Lattice-based Cryptography(including FHE), Public-Key Cryptography.
Jade wenjin1997
Do the next right thing.


yixin xiaok
Chinese.Live in Tokyo. All in crypto, LFG!

tokyo, Japan

Miranda xiruier
Computer Science Phd
jiajie zhou justinzjj
Student of UCAS(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

skysys YuanBoXie
MSc@UCAS | Interest: AGI & Web3


Jiajun Xin jiajunxin
PhD student in HKUST


Purple ziyinlox-purple
non-tech to zk-tech,focus on #zkp
zk-Call & Dev zk-call-dev
Central hub controlling all zk-Call's projects, seamlessly managing our GitHub operations behind the scenes.

@zk-Call Tallinn, Estonia

Yuan 0xYuan90
人生是不断的攀登, biu❤️~


caiyesd caiyesd
Blockchain Engineer/Security Engineer/Android System Engineer


luxebeng luxebeng
a software engineer
Katana Neil ahy231
Currently studying in University of Science and Technology of China
zilong.dai zilong-dai
What does when mean? Rust, C++, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol

QEDProtocol ShenZhen

V.O.T makluganteng
Hi, im a Software Engineer :) who loves to build and explore the technology space. Focus on blockchain research and building projects.


CJ 0x8f701
Rust, CUDA/SIMD, TypeScript, Solidity, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol @L2Ordinals ex-Core @parallel-finance @para-space @Ubudu @casbin

@QEDProtocol c(x, w) = 0

Jiefeng Li jf-li00

Huazhong University Of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei, China

Harold HaroldGin931

ShangHai, China

Gavin Zheng gavinzheng
Enthusiastic in BlockChain Technology. Full stack developer in Solidity programming, IPFS, ZKP, MPC,NFT, Rust, substrate, Quantitative Finance.白话区块链作者

Toronto, Canada