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Aki AkiGR
I’m a system engineer specializing in Go and TypeScript development. I enjoy working efficiently with Vim to streamline my coding process.


adam james gopy-art
create my world into programming


We are cv ocean pos company with legal export and license goverment of Indonesia to run export with all sea commodity. TIN : 85.168.300.3-627.000 NIB: 91020

CV OCEAN POS Perumahan kebalenan baru 1 blok b7 rt001 rw003


EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd ChengDu

Mukharomdev mukharomdev
Coding for Fun ...


Barathwaja S Barathwaja
IoT Edge Platform, Full Stack Developer

Halliburton Inc (LTTS) Frisco, TX

Aman Singh amansingh1712
Curious to learn new things, competent to work in challenging environments, a great problem solver, and aspiring full stack developer specialization in MERN

Byldd New Delhi, India

Osman osman-yasser
Software Engineer | Pythonista


Milad milad-hub
Web developer (Angular, Node.js)
Akhil surapuramakhil

FL , United States

Kimyeonho kyh0703
Backend Engineer


perk bevis perk-bevis
information technology

Code Metech california

SleepZ.go zzz-sleep
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world") }

Nantong Institute of Technology Suzhou

Harish harish-sa

@sellerapp-com Bengaluru

kyle kyjohxix

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

Milad Nia miladnia
Web Developer


i like cats, computers and go
I code.

Zone01Kisumu Kisumu, Kenya

Davi Oliveira davicbtoliveira
Software Engineer

404 Brazil

Jean jeansweden

Sweedly Sweden

Rodrigo Vargas Honorato rvhonorato
Research Software Engineer with a PhD in Bioinformatics working with Structural Computational Biology, web technologies and everything in between

@UtrechtUniversity Utrecht, Netherlands

Denzell Griffith denzellgh

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Brantes PedroBrantes
At the moment, I am studying Data Analysis

Rio de Janeiro

Salma Rashad salmarashad
CSE Bachelor's student at the German University in Cairo

GUC Cairo, Egypt

Diko Katuwal dikbdr

Personal Porto, Portugal