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Jonas Joniii11
Hi! I am Jonas, i am a self thaught developer who loves to code and learn some new languages. I currently learn TypeScript. Dev at @ArkadeONE
K M Skanda Skandakm29
Aspiring VLSI Designer

BMS College of Engineering Banglore

Mamon Mamonaminyar

Aybak samangan

John Best jbest-qc

@quantumcor United States

Xavi XaviVS-Code
Hi! I'm New to GitHub and Coding. I'm Trying to learn about it.

Gold Coast, Queensland Australia

Penguin DailyInvestors
Student pursing Bachelors in Computer Science & Cyber Security. Get attacked Daily by Akamai for some reason. Ethical Tester, Ethical Hacker

Cyborg Tek

Paolo Calabro jabidahscreationssystems

Git Perth WA


Bell Canada Toronto

Partha Dhar ParthaDhar

Brainium Kolkata, India

Arslan Muhannad Arslan1st

Mi_Arslan Solutions (MAS) Ramallah, Palestine


Malicious Tanzania

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards


Website Of Aarish Adhikary Clyde-365
The Creator Of Website Of Aarish Adhikary

Website Of Aarish Adhikary Kolkata

main@{1day}...main Bruno-bot-stack
A Passionate CTO to be.Following the stairways as failure is a stepping stone to success.#FULL-STACK-DEVELOPER,#Ethical-Hacker,#Expert-Network-Engineer.
Aya Ali AyaA1i

Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

-A L D A I R- 2A2G
Access free code repositories and a diverse library of exercises in various programming languages. Join the community and enhance your learning

Cartagena Col.

Jean jeansweden

Sweedly Sweden

ishfaq babar babarlhr
Father | Gamer | Reader | Opinions are my own The only way to improve your coding skills is to share your knowledge and help others ☝️


Kartikey swordonfire
Hi, I am interested in Deep Learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), practical applications of AI and focus on low-level for efficiency
Harrison W. harrisonwashington
Passionate IT professional | Open-source enthusiast | Bash | Powershell | Python
SXL studioxlumiere
Audio Visual Agency

SXL Global

謝宗儒 zongruxie4


Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)